Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What's in a pseudonym...

Hello. I was trying to figure out where to put my name for this assignment since we won't be using a cover page (where it would normally be). I'm assuming in the upper right hand corner? Also, can you (Mari, TAs, anyone) give a little more information on the use of a pseudonym and how this will work out when you hand the assignments back out to us? Gracias.


Justin said...

The upper right hand corner of the page is fine for typing your pseudonym.

Here's how the pseudonyms work (assuming Mari is doing them the same way as last year). You will choose a pseudonym and write it on your assignment. When you hand in your assignment, there will be a sheet that lists all of your names. You will place your pseudonym next to your name on that list. The assignment will then be graded by the TAs, who will then turn them back to Mari. Mari then takes the list of your names with your pseudonyms and matches them with your assignment to record your grade and hand them back to you. In this way, we, the TAs, will never know whose assignment we are looking at; we will only ever see your pseudonym.

Hope that helps!

Mari said...

Pseudonyms will work exactly as Justin has described.

The pseudonym for this assignment (in honor of the data we've been working with so far) will be:

Basketball Player's Name
A Game Played with Dice
A castaway (from Lost, Gilligan's Island, Castaway, Robinson Crusoe, or any other source)

So, if I were completing this assignment, I would use the pseudonym:

Candace Monopoly Nolan

and I would put that in the upper right hand corner of my assignment.

Mari said...

The grading sheets are attached to the upper left corner, so the upper right corner is better for this (and all) assignments.