Saturday, October 18, 2008

Exam 1 is at the Front Desk

The first exam has been graded. A curve was applied, but it resulted in very small changes to scores. [I curve scores by setting the highest score in the class--in this case, 98--equal to 100. Every person's score is divided by the highest score and then multiplied by 100. So, if someone had made, for instance, a 49 on the exam, the curved score would be 50: (49/98) * 100 = .5 * 100 = 50.]

You may go to the front desk to look at your exam. You may not take the exam with you. However, on each person's exam is taped a list of things to review for the final. This list is based solely on the items missed on this exam.

The indicators of central tendency for this exam are as follows:
Mean = 88 (B+)
Median = 90 (A-)
Modes = 88 (B+), 92 (A-), and 94 (A-)

I'm still working on some item analysis, and although I can tell you that it looks like each item was answered correctly by the majority of the class, I will review in class any items that a substantial minority missed.

You are always welcome to come discuss your exam with me--just sign up for a time on my office door.

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