Thursday, November 12, 2009

Reporting significance level

Someone from the class asked how to report p value if it is great than .05 or equal to .05.

According to the APA publication manual page 114, report the exact p value when it is not less than .001.

When the significance level is .05, you will report p = .05.

When the significance level is great than .05, eg. .07, you will report p = .07.

When you are indicating significance level of values in your table, you still use * p < .05, * p <.01, or *** p < .001. You are not going to label any values with an asterisk that has a significance level equal to or greater than .05. Statistics which have significance level that is equal to or greater than .05 is not considered as significant if the model is using an alpha = .05.

Hope this helps!

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