Tuesday, December 9, 2008

comparing negative Betas

Hello, I have another question regarding negative betas:

For my mediated model, if the B from the first regression (predictor->outcome) was, let's say -0.55, and the B of predictor->outcome on the third regression was -0.02. Would I still treat this as a situation where the B from the first regression is "greater" than the B from the third? Since mathematically, -0.55 is a smaller value than -0.02, but in terms of relationships, -0.55 still represents a greater amount of change per unit of X?


Mari said...

Please see the comment to Karlin on this same topic.

mikeuh said...

woops, sorry for the double question.

Mari said...

No problem. It was just a kind of long explanation, so chances of saying it well twice were not all that good!