Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What means altering the order of entry of the blocks?

For the second step of the HW, we have to "alter the order of the entry for the blocks of variables". Note it does not say altering the order of variables.I am interpreting "altering the order of the blocks" as we should keep together the variables that were together in a block in the first analysis. In other words, if in block 1 of the first regression I had variables A and B together, in the second regression I will keep A and B together but will entered in step (block) 2,3,4. Is this correct? Should I mix the varibles and create new blocks (for example have varible A in step 3 and B in step 4).


Kris said...

By reordering your blocks, you are simply not arranging them in the order that was prescribed in part 1 of the homework. Instead, by reordering the blocks, you can see the differences in variance that occurs when regression blocks are analyzed in different orders. The R-square change statistic then will indicate for you the amount of variance that changed between successive blocks in your analysis. That will tell you what additional variance is accounted for by the addition(or removal) of that particular variable (if any).

Mari said...

The question also says that you must include all predictors, may not add additional predictors, and that you may use any number of steps from 1 (which would mean simultaneous entry of all six predictors) to 6 (which would mean entering each predictor separately on its own block).