Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sobel's Test

I'm having trouble figuring out which numbers to use for the online Sobel's Test calculator ( On the website it asks for four values: A, SE of A, B, and SE of B. I figured out where to find A and SE of A (i.e. the Beta and SE of the predictor-mediator regression), but I'm not sure where to find B and the SE of B (i.e. the Beta and SE of the mediator-outcome regression). According to the "Additive, Moderated, and Mediated Models" handout, slide 11, there is no Mediator-Outcome regression, so where do I find the Beta and SE that the Sobel Test is looking for?

1 comment:

Mari said...

I would suggest physically drawing the model that is depicted on the Sobel's test page, substituting in (a) your predictor where the model shows independent variable, (b) your mediator where the model shows mediator, and (c) your outcome where the model shows dependent variable. This should make it clear to you which unstandardized beta and standard error should be placed in the equation.

You should not compute a fourth regression, because it is key that the mediator predict the outcome while holding the predictor constant.