Wednesday, November 26, 2008

article review ?

Ok...for one of my article reviews i have run into a problem...

When searching the results section (and then the rest of the paper!) i could not find the models used specifically stated. I know that they found frequencies, but the rest of their results are simply given in different symbols. I can only speculate (and try to remember) what these symbols mean. A few of the statistics look like this: x^2(l) = 8 54, p < 01 ....which i BELIEVE is chi-squared? Then further down it changes to Z = 3 25, p < 001...which i BELIEVE is z-test?

Are these speculations correct? should i simply state that they didn't give a specific model used in determining results?

If needed, here is the reference for my article:

Egeland, B., & Sroufe, L. A. (1981). Attachment and early maltreatment. Child Development, 52, 44-52.

Thanks in advance for your answers!


Justin said...

The authors indeed list a bunch of chi-square (x^2) tests. As I was skimming, I also saw one "Z =" thing that you were talking about. It was at the very end of the results section, right? I would guess that's a z-score thing, but something tells me it's something different. It seems weird that it is a capitalized Z. Mari?

Anyway, while they may not have told you in words that they used chi-square tests, their statistics tell you in symbols that that's what they did, so state that they used chi-square tests.

KGL said...

Yes, the "Z" is at the end of the results section. Yes, capitalized. Glad i'm not the only one confused by it. Thanks for the chi-square answer though.

Mari said...

I have extremely limited internte access where I am, and cannot access the article. However, in any case like this, it is perfectly acceptable to note that the authors did not specify their analysis, but reported a Z (which may well be a regular z test, but I can't tell from here).