Friday, October 10, 2008

SPSS Grad Pack 17.0

I just received the following email from a supervisor at the bookstore:
Some of the students in your linear regression class have been patiently asking when SPSS Graduate Pack 17.0 will arrive at the bookstore. We ordered copies of the program almost 2 weeks ago but it has not yet arrived.

When we called SPSS this morning about the delay, we were surprised to learn that while the Professional Pack 17.0 is available, the Graduate Pack is not yet available. Although we will carry the Graduate Pack when it is shipped, SPSS unfortunately does not know when the Graduate Pack will be ready.

I thought this information might be of use to you and your students.
This is, of course, concerning news, and I am dreadfully sorry that it is affecting you.

There are several options available. You could use the software in the library/computer labs. You could purchase an earlier version of the software from another source (online, for instance). You could use the computer of a colleague in the class who owns a previous version of the software. You could use the computer of an advanced student who owns a previous version of the software.


Chris said...

Another option for students in a crunch would be to consider using the evaluation version of the product until the Grad Pack becomes available. This may be especially viable for those who don't live close to campus and expected to use their personal computer(s).

This is accessible at the vendor's website:

Note: This version will expire after 30 days of installation and users are responsible for its terms and conditions, which I am not familiar with. Lastly, it may be limited in some of its capacities, although I'm sure that it will perform many of the normal statistics we are currently studying.

Mari said...

Thanks, Chris! You mentioned this option in class, but I forgot to include it here.