Monday, October 27, 2008

Table Notes Font Size

Is the font size for table notes the standard 12 pt. font? In the APA manual's table examples (pp. 162-169), the font clearly seems smaller. However, I was unable to find a definitive answer in the APA manual (see p. 170). I noticed the table notes on the lecture slides are the same size font as the font size of its respective table; therefore, I'm assuming that we are to use the standard 12 pt. font size for table notes.

Is this correct? Is decreasing table notes font size the job of the editor?



Anonymous said...

Using 12 pt font for the table in this assignment is perfectly fine. I would think that is the official size they should be for APA tables, but Mari would know for sure.

Mari said...

For sure. :)

That is, the table (including note) should be printed in the same type size as the rest of the document.

Note that you may also find the material at the bottom of p. 170 and top of p. 171 useful.