Wednesday, June 8, 2011

graphs for "relationship between DV and IV"

I was under the impression that you only have to look at one graph (the same scatterplot that you check homoscedasticity and Independence of Error Assumptions) in order to check for the assumption of the correct relationship between the DV and each IV. However, as I look at the power points from class, it says that we ares uppposed to plot the residuals on tY axis and the predicted values on the X axis, and that we are also supposed to plot the residuals on the y axis and EACH IV on the X axis. Does this mean that we need to show ALL of the graphs in our final project assignment?

1 comment:

David said...

I think there are multiple ways to test for the "relationship of DV and IV" assumption. You can do it with the residuals and predicted (using the full model), but also by looking at each IV. You only have to do the first method for the project.