Friday, October 23, 2009

Need clarification on the assignment

Do we also need to plot the linear regression line and show the equation for it?


Woo C. Kim said...

One more thing.
Does the results have to make sense, logically?
I've got 48.89 for my unstandardized Beta in question 2 (height in feet)
Which would mean that for every 1 pound increase in weight would result in increase of 48.89 feet increase in height.
Which does not make sense in real life.
I still got same F score , t score
as the data I got from question one (Height in inchese)

Grace Liu said...

You need to include a regression plot only if your homework specifies to do so.

Well, I'm not sure where did that data set come from. As long as you are running the right test, plugging the right variables at the appropriate boxes, you should get correct test analysis results for your homework.

Try to think conceptually regarding to getting the same score. Your homework is designed to make you think about concepts of the statistical tests you learned so far. Hope this helps!

David said...

Actually, I think the unstandardized Beta means that for every 1 foot increase, the weight increases by 48.89 lbs. At least that seems to make more sense...

KGL said...
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KGL said...

Unstandardized Beta is translated as follows: For every one unit change in X, Y changes (B)units.

Please remember that these ARE in the original units of measurement.

So which way this go depends on the model in which you are using. Which one is your x and which one is your y? That's how you'll figure it out.

Woo C. Kim said...

that was helpful~