Monday, December 7, 2009

Answers to your questions

One of the TAs summarized and forwarded your questions to me. TAs, thank you so much! These are my answers.

1. When reporting desriptive statistics like beta, standard error, etc... in our APA table when the number is 0.001 (for example) would we insert 0.00 or would we include 0.001?

0.00 not 0.001

2. Also, although it doesn't need to be APA, for multicollinearity statistics do you want us to give the specific numbers or just whether the numbers meet the cutoffs?

Copy and paste the table that lists muliticollinearity statistics and state whether they meet the cutoffs.

3. Could someone provide an example of a title for question do we state correlations between, SD and M without being redundant of info provided in the table?

descriptive statistics (or means, standard deviations) and correlations of study variables (please do not copy and paste this. you need to format it according to the APA styles.)

4. For question 3, do we need to state why we "decided" to use the square method to transform...we were not taught how to decide which to do. Can we just say something to the effect of "the plots show we need to transform____?

Yes. Please read the question carefully. The answer is there. (hint: scatterplot)

5.Do we need to report the exact values for VIF and tolerance when we talk/write about multicollinearity?

Please refer to my answer to Question 3 above.

6. In our write-up for number 6, how do we report transformation? Could we please have an example of that...also, do we need to report anything about cheight, sqheight, or sqCheight anywhere in that write up?

"In the analysis the height variable was centered. Also, a quadratic term of height was created by squaring the centered height variable, which, then, was entered into the regression model."

7.Do we need to paste the bivariate partial plots for number 8? aka the cheight or the sqcheight?

I haven't asked for any partial plots for number 8. Please read on the blog my answers about the assumption checking for Questions 2, 5 and 8.

8.So my understanding is that we only round to 2 decimal places on tables. What do we do with a number like 0.00049? SPSS by default shows 3 decimal places. So that would be shown as 0.005. Rounding to 2 places would make that 0.01. However, looking at the original number, we would get 0.00. These seem like quite different numbers. Do we put a note somewhere in the table?

Please refer to my answer to the number 1 above. Also, look at pp. 113-114 APA manual.


KGL said...

I had changed the numbering for Flow of this email...I also have pasted Sung's responses in the comment section for each original post (where the questions were originally asked)

Nikki Frederick said...

Thank you for your responses Dr. Kim...they help so much!