Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Need clarification for using SPSS (HW3)

Do I have to insert corresponding predicting IV's from each hypotheses to each block in one process? (e.g IV from hypotheses 1 -> block 1; IV from hypotheses 2-> block 2, IV from hypotheses 3-> block 3; run statistics)

Or do I run three different process for each predicting hypotheses then insert IV that needs to be provided into the following block?
(e.g. predicting IV from hypotheses 1 -> block 1; IV needed-> block 2; run statistics
predicting IV from hypotheses 2 -> block 1; IV needed -> block 2; run statistics
predicting IV from hypotheses 3 -> block 1; IV needed-> block 2; run statistics)


Rebecca Kulzer said...

It is unecessary to run it multiple times, just run it once with three blocks. No need to do all that extra work. You get the same results.

Grace Liu said...

Rebecca is right, you only have to run in once with three blocks (steps). So, you will be clicking over variables over to "independent variables" for the first block/step. To enter variables to your second block/step, you need to click "next" which is right above "independent(s)". Then, you click over variables that you need for your second block or step to the "independent(s)" box. and so forth for further steps.