Monday, December 8, 2008

negative betas and sobel's test

I was using the sobel's test website to test a mediated model, but i noticed that when one of the B's i put in the equation was negative, the significance values became what looks to me like 1-p? (i.e., if i had a 2-tailed p value of .95 with the negative B, it would turn into .05 if i changed that B to positive.) How would significance be determined/reported for this situation? And would I report the sobel's test statistic as negative as well?


1 comment:

Mari said...

This is a glitch in the online Sobel test calculator. I have provided a link to a second calculator that does not have this error in its programming.

The second calculator is a better one in several ways, but I did not provide it earlier because it also provides some additional tests that I did not want to be confusing for you.